by Hertha Lund | Sep 7, 2023 | Being Present, Connection, Perspective, Unity, Wholeness
Today, I worked on tasks with my old business—my job as an attorney. I also worked on creating a foundation for my new business—coaching with the assistance of my partners; my horses. I had problems moving back and forth between my left and right brain hemispheres and...
by Hertha Lund | Sep 7, 2023 | Being Present, Fear, Perspective, Surrender
Sometimes, I do not know where to start, so I do not start. Do you ever do that? For example: Soon, I will lead my first group “How to Make the Most Inner Transformation During Outer Turmoil.” As I was pondering where does one start, I realized that one starts where...
by Hertha Lund | Sep 7, 2023 | Being Present, Revolution for Wholeness
I had a nightmare that my little dog ignored my calls and was lured in by a coyote. In that vivid dream, I saw Chewie, my small Jack Russell and Blue Heeler mix moving toward a coyote. The coyote looked playful, enticing, and safe. Chewie, who is usually very...
by Hertha Lund | Sep 7, 2023 | Being Present, Connection, Meditation, Revolution for Wholeness, Surrender, Wholeness
This morning sitting for my morning spiritual practice was like rounding up wild horses. Even though I have had a fairly consistent spiritual practice for almost forty years, I still struggle sometimes to maintain my focus on the Divine. After wrestling with myself to...